ResourceManager API’s.

class yarn_api_client.resource_manager.ResourceManager(service_endpoints=None, timeout=30, auth=None, verify=True)

The ResourceManager REST API’s allow the user to get information about the cluster - status on the cluster, metrics on the cluster, scheduler information, information about nodes in the cluster, and information about applications on the cluster.

If service_endpoint argument is None client will try to extract it from Hadoop configuration files. If both address and alt_address are provided, the address corresponding to the ACTIVE HA Resource Manager will be used.

  • service_endpoints (List[str]) – List of ResourceManager HTTP(S) addresses
  • timeout (int) – API connection timeout in seconds
  • auth (AuthBase) – Auth to use for requests configurations
  • verify (boolean) – Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify the server’s TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use. Defaults to True

An application resource contains information about a particular application that was submitted to a cluster.

Parameters:application_id (str) – The application id
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response
cluster_application_attempt_container_info(application_id, attempt_id, container_id)

With the application attempts API, you can obtain an information about container related to an application attempt.

  • application_id (str) – The application id
  • attempt_id (str) – The attempt id
  • container_id (str) – The container id

API response object with JSON data

Return type:


cluster_application_attempt_containers(application_id, attempt_id)

With the application attempts API, you can obtain an information about container related to an application attempt.

  • application_id (str) – The application id
  • attempt_id (str) – The attempt id

API response object with JSON data

Return type:


cluster_application_attempt_info(application_id, attempt_id)

With the application attempts API, you can obtain an extended info about an application attempt.

  • application_id (str) – The application id
  • attempt_id (str) – The attempt id

API response object with JSON data

Return type:



With the application attempts API, you can obtain a collection of resources that represent an application attempt.

Parameters:application_id (str) – The application id
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

With the application kill API, you can kill an application that is not in FINISHED or FAILED state.

Parameters:application_id (str) – The application id
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

With the application state API, you can obtain the current state of an application.

Parameters:application_id (str) – The application id
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response
cluster_application_statistics(states=None, application_types=None)

With the Application Statistics API, you can obtain a collection of triples, each of which contains the application type, the application state and the number of applications of this type and this state in ResourceManager context.

This method work in Hadoop > 2.0.0

  • states (List[str]) – states of the applications. If states is not provided, the API will enumerate all application states and return the counts of them.
  • application_types (List[str]) – types of the applications, specified as a comma-separated list. If application_types is not provided, the API will count the applications of any application type. In this case, the response shows * to indicate any application type. Note that we only support at most one applicationType temporarily. Otherwise, users will expect an BadRequestException.

API response object with JSON data

Return type:


cluster_application_timeout(application_id, timeout_type)

The Cluster Application Timeout resource contains information about timeout.

  • application_id (str) – The application id
  • timeout_type (str) – Timeout type. Valid values are the members of the ApplicationTimeoutType enum. LIFETIME is currently the only valid value. .

API response object with JSON data

Return type:



Cluster Application Timeouts API can be used to get all configured timeouts of an application. When you run a GET operation on this resource, a collection of timeout objects is returned. Each timeout object is composed of a timeout type, expiry-time and remaining time in seconds.

Parameters:application_id (str) – The application id
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response
cluster_applications(state=None, states=None, final_status=None, user=None, queue=None, limit=None, started_time_begin=None, started_time_end=None, finished_time_begin=None, finished_time_end=None, application_types=None, application_tags=None, de_selects=None)

With the Applications API, you can obtain a collection of resources, each of which represents an application.

  • state (str) – state of the application [deprecated]
  • states (List[str]) – applications matching the given application states
  • final_status (str) – the final status of the application - reported by the application itself
  • user (str) – user name
  • queue (str) – queue name
  • limit (str) – total number of app objects to be returned
  • started_time_begin (str) – applications with start time beginning with this time, specified in ms since epoch
  • started_time_end (str) – applications with start time ending with this time, specified in ms since epoch
  • finished_time_begin (str) – applications with finish time beginning with this time, specified in ms since epoch
  • finished_time_end (str) – applications with finish time ending with this time, specified in ms since epoch
  • application_types (List[str]) – applications matching the given application types, specified as a comma-separated list
  • application_tags (List[str]) – applications matching any of the given application tags, specified as a comma-separated list
  • de_selects (List[str]) – a generic fields which will be skipped in the result

API response object with JSON data

Return type:



yarn_api_client.errors.IllegalArgumentError – if state or final_status incorrect


(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

API to cancel delegation token.

All delegation token requests must be carried out on a Kerberos authenticated connection(using SPNEGO). Carrying out operations on a non-kerberos connection will result in a FORBIDDEN response.

Parameters:delegation_token (str) – Delegation token
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response
cluster_change_application_priority(application_id, priority)

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

Update priority of a running or accepted app using a PUT request specifying the target priority.

To perform the PUT operation, authentication has to be setup for the RM web services. In addition, you must be authorized to move the app. Currently you can only move the app if you’re using the Capacity scheduler or the Fair scheduler.

Please note that in order to move an app, you must have an authentication filter setup for the HTTP interface. The functionality requires that a username is set in the HttpServletRequest. If no filter is setup, the response will be an “UNAUTHORIZED” response.

  • application_id (str) – The application id
  • priority (int) – application priority

API response object with JSON data

Return type:


cluster_change_application_queue(application_id, queue)

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

Move a running app to another queue using a PUT request specifying the target queue.

To perform the PUT operation, authentication has to be setup for the RM web services. In addition, you must be authorized to move the app. Currently you can only move the app if you’re using the Capacity scheduler or the Fair scheduler.

Please note that in order to move an app, you must have an authentication filter setup for the HTTP interface. The functionality requires that a username is set in the HttpServletRequest. If no filter is setup, the response will be an “UNAUTHORIZED” response.

  • application_id (str) – The application id
  • queue (str) – queue name

API response object with JSON data

Return type:



The Cluster Reservation API Update can be used to update existing reservations.Update of a Reservation works similarly to submit described above, but the user submits the reservation-id of an existing reservation to be updated. The semantics is a try-and-swap, successful operation will modify the existing reservation based on the requested update parameter, while a failed execution will leave the existing reservation unchanged.

Parameters:reservation_id (str) – The id of the reservation to be deleted (the system automatically looks up the right queue from this)
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

With the application priority API, you can query the priority of a submitted app

Parameters:application_id (str) – The application id
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

With the application queue API, you can query the queue of a submitted app

Parameters:application_id (str) – The application id
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

The cluster information resource provides overall information about the cluster.

Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

The cluster metrics resource provides some overall metrics about the cluster. More detailed metrics should be retrieved from the jmx interface.

Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

API to modify the scheduler configuration

For data body definition refer to: (

Parameters:data (dict) – sched-conf dictionary object
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

With the New Application API, you can obtain an application-id which can then be used as part of the Cluster Submit Applications API to submit applications. The response also includes the maximum resource capabilities available on the cluster.

Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

API to create delegation token.

All delegation token requests must be carried out on a Kerberos authenticated connection(using SPNEGO). Carrying out operations on a non-kerberos connection will result in a FORBIDDEN response. In case of renewing a token, only the renewer specified when creating the token can renew the token. Other users(including the owner) are forbidden from renewing tokens.

Parameters:renewer (str) – The user who is allowed to renew the delegation token
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

Use the New Reservation API, to obtain a reservation-id which can then be used as part of the Cluster Reservation API Submit to submit reservations.

Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

A node resource contains information about a node in the cluster.

Parameters:node_id (str) – The node id
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

This endpoint allows clients to gather info on the maximum memory that can be allocated per container in the cluster. :returns: integer specifying the maximum memory that can be allocated in a container in the cluster


With the Nodes API, you can obtain a collection of resources, each of which represents a node.

Parameters:states (List[str]) – the states of the node, specified as a comma-separated list valid values are: NEW, RUNNING, UNHEALTHY, DECOMMISSIONING, DECOMMISSIONED, LOST, REBOOTED, SHUTDOWN
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response
Raises:yarn_api_client.errors.IllegalArgumentError – if healthy incorrect
cluster_queue_partition(candidate_queue, cluster_node_label)

A queue can be divided into multiple partitions having different node labels. Given the candidate queue and parition node label, this extracts the partition we are interested in :param dict candidate_queue: queue dictionary :param str cluster_node_label: case sensitive node label name :return: partition Dict, None if not Found.


(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

API to renew delegation token.

All delegation token requests must be carried out on a Kerberos authenticated connection(using SPNEGO). Carrying out operations on a non-kerberos connection will result in a FORBIDDEN response. In case of renewing a token, only the renewer specified when creating the token can renew the token. Other users(including the owner) are forbidden from renewing tokens.

Parameters:delegation_token (str) – Delegation token
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response
cluster_reservations(queue=None, reservation_id=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, include_resource_allocations=None)

The Cluster Reservation API can be used to list reservations. When listing reservations the user must specify the constraints in terms of a queue, reservation-id, start time or end time. The user must also specify whether or not to include the full resource allocations of the reservations being listed. The resulting page returns a response containing information related to the reservation such as the acceptance time, the user, the resource allocations, the reservation-id, as well as the reservation definition.

  • queue (str) – the queue name containing the reservations to be listed. if not set, this value will default to “default”
  • reservation_id (str) – the reservation-id of the reservation which will be listed. If this parameter is present, start-time and end-time will be ignored.
  • start_time (str) – reservations that end after this start-time will be listed. If unspecified or invalid, this will default to 0.
  • end_time (str) – reservations that start after this end-time will be listed. If unspecified or invalid, this will default to Long.MaxValue.
  • include_resource_allocations (str) – true or false. If true, the resource allocations of the reservation will be included in the response. If false, no resource allocations will be included in the response. This will default to false.

API response object with JSON data

Return type:



A scheduler resource contains information about the current scheduler configured in a cluster. It currently supports both the Fifo and Capacity Scheduler. You will get different information depending on which scheduler is configured so be sure to look at the type information.

Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

API to retrieve the scheduler’s configuration that is currently loaded into scheduler’s context.

Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

Given a queue name, this function tries to locate the given queue in the object returned by scheduler endpoint.

The queue can be present inside a multilevel structure. This solution tries to locate the queue using breadth-first-search algorithm.

Parameters:yarn_queue_name (str) – case sensitive queue name
Returns:queue Dictionary, None if not found
cluster_scheduler_queue_availability(candidate_partition, availability_threshold)

Checks whether the requested memory satisfies the available space of the queue This solution takes into consideration the node label concept in cluster. Following node labelling, the resources can be available in various partition. Given the partition data it tells you if the used capacity of this partition is spilling the threshold specified.

  • candidate_parition (str) – node label partition (case sensitive)
  • availability_threshold (float) – value can range between 0 - 100 .



(This feature is currently in the alpha stage and may change in the future)

With the New Application API, you can obtain an application-id which can then be used as part of the Cluster Submit Applications API to submit applications. The response also includes the maximum resource capabilities available on the cluster.

For data body definition refer to: (

Parameters:data (dict) – Application details
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

The Cluster Reservation API can be used to submit reservations. When submitting a reservation the user specifies the constraints in terms of resources, and time that is required. The resulting response is successful if the reservation can be made. If a reservation-id is used to submit a reservation multiple times, the request will succeed if the reservation definition is the same, but only one reservation will be created. If the reservation definition is different, the server will respond with an error response. When the reservation is made, the user can use the reservation-id used to submit the reservation to get access to the resources by specifying it as part of Cluster Submit Applications API.

For data body definition refer to: (

Parameters:data (dict) – Reservation details
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response
cluster_update_application_timeout(application_id, timeout_type, expiry_time)

Update timeout of an application for given timeout type.

  • application_id (str) – The application id
  • timeout_type (str) – Timeout type. Valid values are the members of the ApplicationTimeoutType enum. LIFETIME is currently the only valid value.
  • expiry_time (str) – Time at which the application will expire in ISO8601 yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format.

API response object with JSON data

Return type:



The Cluster Reservation API Update can be used to update existing reservations.Update of a Reservation works similarly to submit described above, but the user submits the reservation-id of an existing reservation to be updated. The semantics is a try-and-swap, successful operation will modify the existing reservation based on the requested update parameter, while a failed execution will leave the existing reservation unchanged.

For data body definition refer to: (

Parameters:data (dict) – Reservation details
Returns:API response object with JSON data
Return type:yarn_api_client.base.Response

The active address, port tuple to which this instance is associated. :return: str service_endpoint: Service endpoint URL corresponding to the active address of RM